What is a flash mob?

According to wikipedia a flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dance Flash Mob - October 9th, 2009

UPDATE: Both rehearsal times are posted below!

HOT dance flash mob for all ages! No dance experience necessary. Come out, meet someone new and enjoy the crazy fun!

October 9th, 2009
Time: 11:30-11:35 am
Location: Stephen Avenue Walk (8th Ave SW) just east of 2 St. SW. Look for the canadian flag towel!
Cost: Free
Email: calgaryflashmob@hotmail.com

This flash mob is going to be a dance flash mob and our goal is simply to have fun and promote dance in Calgary. There is a choreographed dance routine that you need to learn beforehand. On October 9th at 11:30am we will meet at a specific location and begin performing the routine, much to the surprise of everyone around. Once completed, we will simply walk away. Some will be going out for lunch/drinks nearby afterwards to chat about it and to catch up with someone new you might have met. Everyone is welcome to come out! Attention students and parents: Oct. 9th is a PD day for Calgary public schools.

We want this to run smoothly and to be a positive experience for us, the passerbys and the local businesses. We would like the opportunity to do many more in the future. We suggest you show up at 11:15am and find a nearby place to wait so you don't miss out.

We are still looking for an event guide. The job of the event guide is to come out, watch (not perform) and record this event. They must have a video camera and be willing to meet with us at least once before the event. If you would like to be the event guide, please email us!

There is no formal dress code for this event but whatever you choose should be comfortable. Remember you need to be able to dance in it, including your footwear. We suggest runners or flats. Also please be sure it is appropriate, as we do have children participating in this event. If you are still unsure about your attire see our blog on dress code. It is expected to be cold on Friday so please bundle up, including hats & mitts!

The dance routine is tons of fun and really easy to learn. You do not need any dance experience. If you have a group of people who want to learn the choreography you can contact us to book a time. We are flexible on the group size as long as everyone is committed and will actually show up. Remember we are all volunteering our time and effort to arrange this. If you are an individual, we will be holding 2 open sessions closer to the date that you can attend. You don't need to attend both, but you are more than welcome to. Rehearsal dates and times are as follows:

Session 1 - Tuesday Sept. 29th, 2009 at 8:00 PM

Session 2 - Tuesday Oct. 6th, 2009 at 8:00 PM

Both rehearsals will be held at The Studio School of Dance. They are located at 3417 - 8th St. SE, which is just off Blackfoot Trail. Please RSVP to calgaryflashmob@hotmail.com ASAP with the following:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number (optional)
  • Rehearsal date(s) you are attending
  • # of guests you are bringing


  1. wish i had seen this sooner! Hope there will be another one i can participate in!

  2. There will definately be future events! If you're interested in participating or have any suggestions email calgaryflashmob@hotmail.com
